The 27 Group has been contracted to handle our management, finance and maintenance needs:
Travis Overton
Community Association Manager
The Twenty Seven Group
6059 Frantz Rd Suite 202
Dublin OH 43017
Craig Lloyd President / Trustee
George Prabhu Secretary / Trustee
Chad Pucket Trustee
The Environmental Committee is responsible for approving Exterior Modification requests. They are also the Board's advisory panel on keeping the neighborhood ascetics aligned with the By Laws and Code of Regulations.
Glenn Williams Jerry Johnson Leah McCoy
The Social Committee is responsible for planning community events based on a budget presented by the Board. Activities include:
Progressive Dinner Feb/March
Patio Hop-June/July
Egg Hunt/Easter
Block Party/Aug
Holiday Carriage Ride/Dec
Melinda Lloyd is the current Chair of the Social Committee.