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Wedgewood Section 11 is also known as Wedgewood and is located in Liberty Township, Delaware County, Ohio. Wedgewood Section 12 is also known as Wedgewood Glen and is situated in the City of Dublin, Franklin County, Ohio.
Comprised of Wedgewood and Wedgewood Glen developments, Wedgewood Sections 11 and 12 Homeowners Association is a collec
Wedgewood Section 11 is also known as Wedgewood and is located in Liberty Township, Delaware County, Ohio. Wedgewood Section 12 is also known as Wedgewood Glen and is situated in the City of Dublin, Franklin County, Ohio.
Comprised of Wedgewood and Wedgewood Glen developments, Wedgewood Sections 11 and 12 Homeowners Association is a collection of residents that can celebrate the diversity of different neighborhoods, counties, cities, townships, and school districts. The Board of Directors elected to serve have each individually and collectively expressed the desire to make home ownership in our community the best experience possible. Our goals include:
· To promote a high quality of life and to protect property values through the prudent use of resources, for the benefit of all who live, visit, or work in our community.
· To consistently support existing by-laws and to help implement revisions in areas where they are flawed, ineffective, or non-existent.
· To be fiscally responsible with the dues entrusted to us by the Home Owners and to seek continuous improvements in financial oversight, budgeting, and spending of our funds dedicated to the operations of the common properties.
· To support general community interests such as issues with the county or city, efforts designed to increase safety to individuals and protection of property, and other long term goals.
· To act as a liaison to the developers and management companies in all matters beneficial to the community and its members.
· To reserve the right to challenge actions that are deemed not to be in the best interests of the majority and to work for change where change is needed.
· To bring dutiful resolution to concerns, disagreements, and recommendations brought before the Board.